Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welcome to 2011 Alpha Alumni Madness

It's March, and you know what that means. It's Bracket season.

And of course, as we all know very well, I am a little obsessed with brackets.

Yep, guilty as charged.

So, while talking with Brother Fisher today, we had the idea to compile some of our favorite memories from the time we spent as undergraduate members of Alpha Chapter and put them into a 68-item bracket. These memories ranged from singular events to running jokes to memorable quotes. Additionally, there were a few items that got added to the bracket that mainly occurred after graduation. But the discretion of forming the bracket was in the hands of the Selection Committee (myself and Brother Fisher) so if you have an issue with something on the bracket, lobby hard over the next year and maybe we'll add members to the Selection Committee.

We broke the 68 items into 4 brackets of 17 (with one first round play-in game in each bracket). We will post new polls every 2 days and you, our fellow Delt Alumni (and friends), will get to vote to decide the winners.

In order to build up some of the suspense, we are not going to announce the entire bracket all at once. We will reveal each "region" separately, so stay tuned!

The first polls for the four play-in games will be posted on THURSDAY, MARCH 17 at 6:00pm so share the link with your friends and stay tuned for the big announcements!

Ian McBracket


  1. LOOK AT CHUCK. and that might be an innocent Pfogs in the background.

  2. What a great idea! I have been bragging about DTD recently, and this is exactly why. Alpha chapter is something special, and I am so grateful to be a part of it.

  3. I agree. I miss it a lot some times.

    Also as a suggestion, I think people should sign their full names to comments, as people will easily confuse Frese with Hazen (me), and Best with Boboth, etc...

  4. And they will confuse PFogs with God.

  5. In the words of Tom Pentkowski. This....this is brotherhood.

  6. Was this photo taken before or after Jerome Bettis's final victory permitted Ian to become a man?

  7. Look at the dominance of the betush family on the east side of that bracket.

  8. I must lobby for two additions to next year's bracket:

    (1) toilet town

    (2) the epic Pus Face Paravati v. Jizzling matches in NHL 2K6
