Friday, April 1, 2011

Sweet 16: Chippers Bracket

After two weeks of voting, Alpha Brackets has reached the Sweet 16. Four items remain in each bracket, vying for a spot in the Final Four. With two matchups left in each bracket, we're expecting some of the closest voting yet. We hope you all are enjoying this as much as we are!

The Matchups

1. Joe Knupp's 5-Piece Suit12. Zach Best's Jew Gold

I am not sure which brought brothers' competitive edge more: betting on the number of layers Knupp would be wearing on a given occasion or how long it would take Best to find his golden elephant that was hidden in the Delt house like a contestant of Legends of the Hidden Temple. At times Knupp would go all out and have enough clothes on his body to clothe the guy at the Meade Inn for 6 months and other times he'd only look like he spent $3,000 at Banana Republic. Sometimes Best would be like a Silver Snake and dominate the game or sometimes he'd be like a Purple Parrot and suck. Another good matchup.

3. Matt Grashoff's Voice15. Mace Naked
Interesting matchup we have here. Grashoff's voice had the power to make girls take off their clothes while Mace's naked body made girls want to put theirs back on. Okay, well maybe that is not true in Mace's case as I personally witnessed numerous times. However, this matchup might be tricky as Grizzle's talents were on display for almost every formal chapter whereas Mace's body was on display everywhere but formal chapter.

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